Thursday, June 18, 2015

Finito (or Just Beginning)

It is hard to believe that this ten day journey is over. It seems as though we just pulled out of the church parking lot to begin the travel portion of the Footsteps of Faith experience, and yet here we are on the bus heading back to Second Presbyterian Church. There is a mixture of emotions and thoughts as we make this trip home. 
I am thankful for these amazing days that we have spent together. 
I am overwhelmed by the openness of this group and the manner in which they lived and learned together. 
I am saddened that this iteration of Footsteps of Faith will never be replicated. 
I am full of the blessings this group of seniors has had on me and the whole church. 
I am excited for the way in which these young people will live into their callings as people of faith. 
Here are the reflections of the students as we begin the next chapter of our journeys transformed by the things we have seen and experiences we have had. They were asked to reflect on the trip in one word or phrase as we head home.
Petrichor - the smell and feeling after it rains. The nice feeling that something beautiful is about to come
Spiritual calling
Life changing
Answers many questions - it connects us better to the people and our faith but also brings questions to mind
Thought provoking
An amazing trip filled with many new friends
This trip is like a puzzle: The pieces are constantly being put into place, but you can't fully appreciate how powerful it is, until it is complete.
The fire of my faith has been re-lit 
Eye opening 
Experience that connected so many aspects of my faith into one
Incredible experience
Prepared to take on what's next

Thank you for your prayers as we have journeyed together. You have made this happen. 

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